Saturday, December 11, 2010

In Case You've Been Wondering...

...where I am... I've been writing curriculum and teaching elementary economics (and that is definitely as easy as it sounds.)

Check it out at my mom's new home school blog:

Merry Christmas (and whether or not it's too early for Christmas, I'm going to stick with that one)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to everyone who has missed you...but I have been having a BLAST with you!!!! Thanks for sparing so much time to write and teach with me!

Sky Destrian said...

Hey Catey! It's Kylie. ;) And yes, I have missed your delightful presence in the blogging world (although I can't say I've been that present myself).

I say you should get back to blogging soon. Like, maybe a huge long post about your life? If you do it, I will. ;) Because we all miss your posts. And as much as I love your poems, it's just not the same...


P.S. - you make an epic old Max. :)