Thursday, August 5, 2010

PREP... Not really...

Back at home.

Recovering. Adjusting.

Real life is weird.

I love my family, and I didn't realize how much I missed them.

I love my family, and I didn't realize how much I would miss them when I left.

But this is the ICC. We'll be seeing each other soon - in God's timing.

On a less contemplative note, I hardly know what to do with myself now that I'm not cooking all the time.

Slash muffins!


Anonymous said...

Feel FREE to cook anytime! :) Glad you are back!

Art said...


(It was so weird, that one day of ICCness without you, dear)

Alice said...

i know you were a wonderful blessing on the prep team :). it was great to see you there!

thanks for leaving a comment on my blog - now i know how to find you! i didn't know you blogged - and you've been doing so for quite some time. i love it! back to reading your i go... ♥