Saturday, November 7, 2009


"There is no use walking somewhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching." Francis of Assisi.

I wish I knew Francis.

What are your thoughts on this quote?

EDIT: The first two people to leave a comment will have a creative ode written to them : )


Shirin said...

I haven't read Francis in years and years and I suppose it's time to read him again. But here are my thoughts- There is no sense walking anywhere to preach anything unless we are told which way to go and what to preach, yet God often plots our course on the foundation of experience. Sometimes, that experience is not walking the walk at all but is teaching fodder still the same.

Sophie said...

Well, what I would get from this quote is that if we are not living out what we believe (or say we believe) in our everyday life (our "walk") then we shouldn't be preaching to people about how we think that they should live. I think it's like... a warning against hypocracy.
Hm... did that make sense? :)
I think it could be interpreted in a few different ways, but that's the first thing that popped into my very tired brain. :P