My heart has many faces, and all of them are turned toward many yous.
I miss our impromptu singing.
I miss looking at you and the telepathic connection unfolding.
I miss knowing your heart and reading your face.
I miss dancing.
I miss long travel days.
I miss setting food aside for you when you’re too busy to eat.
I miss getting texts from you when we’re sitting across from each other in boring meetings.
I miss pinning on your nametag and fixing your hair.
I miss apples and peanut butter and bran muffins and chocolate chip cookie dough.
I miss sitting under blankets and hammocks and the way you smell early in the morning.
I miss stairwells and bad food days and the weird smell of Wendell’s office
.I miss the broken oven and the uncomfortable futons and people being everywhere.
I miss laughing till we make the sun rise at night.
I miss your laugh and your voice and your smile and the way your eyes become soft as cotton candy right before your heart leaps from your lips.
I miss times when you told me your secrets and we cried.
I miss you.If you were a person, you’d be a many-faced person.
If you were a heart, you’d be a many-faced heart. And I think we are more or less a person, because I think we are more or less a lonely bride. And I think we are more or less a heart, because I feel us beating each other sometimes.
I miss lots of things today. And it’s good to miss and it’s good to remember and it’s good to care that the pieces of my heart - the pieces of his heart - will someday be gathered, and we’ll have one face. Then there will be no more missing at all, because we will be one.
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